Monday, January 20, 2020

Heart Rocks

I have discovered a new hobby...heart rock hunting! Many of the areas I walk with Rene have rocks, stones, or gravel and if I look really close I usually find some in the shapes of hearts. The picture above are four rocks I found, painted, and gave to my friend's four grandchildren for Christmas. 

It was hard to let these rocks go, as I had a fear I would never find heart rocks again. But then I continue on my walking and find more and more. Which tells me that there is lots of love to go around when you leave your senses...and your

Heart rock hunting has become a mindfulness practice for me. I spend time in nature, and purposefully put one foot in front of the other and I look for rocks. I know I am really "being in the moment" when I find one!

What small hobbies, rituals or routines do you have that help you experience the moment?