Sunday, December 1, 2019


This time of year, our social media starts bringing up quotes on gratitude, 30 day gratitude challenges, ads for gratitude journals, and friends posting what they are grateful for. That is pretty cool, to have that much information about gratitude out there in a world where things are often painful and hard.

I did my own little 30 day gratitude list and what I have found is it really does help change perspective. On those days where I don't feel like I am enough, or feel depleted, or missing my family or friends, I think about the day and what about it brought me joy or appreciation. I do have to say, my brain tends to go there first now rather than to the negative.

I chatted with a friend about gratitude the other day, and for both of us it isn't about a kind of car we drive or a big house or a lot of money but those daily sweet things. That cup of coffee while no one else is up in the morning; a walk on a trail with a running creek; time spent catching up with friends. And even if I find myself still searching, still trying to find "home" I am realizing more and more with gratitude, home is wherever you and love reside.

So, as we inch into the Christmas season, I continue to have Thanksgiving in my heart for all the sweet, small things that make life so lovely.

I am grateful for you!

(This is a view only 45 mins from my Delta home, in Paonia, which is a view I love and am grateful to have such beauty at my fingertips!)