Wednesday, February 1, 2017

28 Days of Random Acts of Kindness

"I alone cannot change the world,
 but I can cast a stone across the waters 
that creates many ripples." -Mother Teresa

I am an Aquarius-born on February 11th- and last year was my 40th birthday. I had a party and asked everyone who came to write on a piece of paper one act of kindness I could do every day, rather than bring a gift. People brought so many easy and cute ideas and no two were the same. These are just a sampling:

I got to thinking about what to write about this week. So much is happening in the United States and globally, and much of it isn't what elevates us as humanity. Bans on refugees coming to the U.S., shootings at a mosque in Quebec, and mosques in Texas burning to the ground (cause yet to be determined, but still). Even our Facebook feeds aren't elevating us, and are causing us so much stress but we can't seem to unplug for fear of missing out on something big. 

I decided what we need right now is a little bit of kindness, so why not set up a 28 Random Acts of Kindness Challenge, during my birthday month? Starting today, February 1st, and continuing to the end of the month, do one small thing for someone else that is kind. Maybe you do it outright, or "behind the scenes" where no one knows; maybe you write about it on your own blog or Facebook page, or quietly in your own journal. If everyone did one act of kindness a day, imagine how elevated our communities may become so that love, not fear, drives us to be the species we are really meant to be: Abundant, community oriented, compassionate, kind, sustainable…

If you aren't sure where to begin, use the above ideas as a starting point. Or, visit this website here that lists ideas for the next 28 days:

The website lists these ideas that are easy to do, don't cost money and could make a person's day…and then that person may make someone else's day…and so on…so see? A little bit of kindness can make a huge ripple effect!
  • Give free hugs
  • Let people over on the freeway
  • See if your neighbor has enough (running to the store? See if your neighbor needs you to pick up something!)
  • Hold the door for someone
  • Cheer on someone who is starting something new (a diet, a new job, etc) with a supportive text, email or card in the mail
  • Smile and say hello to people you don't know
And if you are feeling burned out by the state of the world or even the state of your Facebook feed, giving to others is a great way to replenish your spirit!

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