The Black Canyon of the Gunnison is an amazing natural wonder. A part of the national park system, the Black Canyon is awe inspiring. And, it is virtually in my backyard! I can access the South Rim from Montrose, and the North Rim from Crawford. Both easily only 30 minutes away.
When I lived in Montrose years ago, I visited the Black Canyon on a regular basis. I hadn't been since I moved to Delta and I finally went yesterday. Rene in tow, we drove the South Rim drive and got out at a few overlooks. Devil's Overlook is one of my favorites as you can see the West Elks popping up in the back ground and as you look down through the deep canyon you can see the Gunnison River rushing through. It is an amazing sight to behold.
I find during times of confusion, frustration, considering the future, or in times of transition and change getting out into nature is a very good way to ground myself. It gives me a new perspective, as I see myself a part of this extensive, vast, expansive and beautiful universe. I bought myself an annual pass because I know I will need to visit from time to time to gain perspective.
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