Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Letting Go

I remember my wedding rehearsal dinner, which was left to my in-laws due to tradition. They went all out country at the Denver Buffalo Company (when it was around), in full with menus in the shape of cowboy boots. Coming off a life of grunge music and Grateful Dead, me being artsy and Mike being this outdoorsy and adventurous guy- both of us trying to be "individual"- both of us didn’t love the "cowboy style" of the rehearsal dinner.

Fast forward so many years and life has changed. Mike is gone and I am left to my own devices. I don’t know how or why but I am a left winged liberal who loves rural America and I hate contemporary country music but absolutely love Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash and line dancing on Tuesday nights at The Grizzly Rose.

What is different?

I guess I have started to learn to let things go. Not hang so tightly to “personal identity” but go more with “what makes me happy.” I love my drives through rural America, and dream of living again in rural America someday. I love walking out of the Grizzly Rose all sweaty because I gave my all to a line dancing lesson to country music I wouldn’t listen to any other time...and screwed up half the dance but had fun doing so anyway.

Where can you identify in your life places where you can let go?  How will letting go serve you for the better? What fear do you have around letting go? And why does hanging on so tightly mean so much?

I ask myself these questions, still, because I still wind myself tight at times. But give me a little music and some room to dance and I hopefully can let it go....

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