Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Altar Creation for Loved Ones Passed or for Visioning

As Dia de los Muertos approaches I wanted to share a little about the transformational power of altar creation. For those celebrating and honoring their dead, altars are created and on them placed items the loved one enjoyed (foods/drinks), pictures and anything that would be a special reminder of that person's life. Altars can serve many purposes-they can be a celebratory space, a meditative space, a spiritual space, a remembrance space or a visioning space. Below are some examples. 

I created this altar with all things that bring me joy...spirituality, symbolism, creativity, celebration...

I made a "mini-altar" in a shadowbox with some photos of my late husband Mike and me and some of the things he loved-Chewbacca and Antarctica figurines!

These are altars at the Dia de los Muertos celebration from last year at the Denver Botanic Gardens

Altars can transform grief and sadness into hope and encouragement by reminding us of the joy that person brought while he/she was alive. Altars can also transform the future-by creating a "visioning altar" for example you can put things that you hope to happen in the future and meditate on them to be manifested. People often do this with "vision boards" as well for the same outcome.

What kind of altar would you create? Is there a loved one who has passed you want to celebrate and remember? Are there loved ones struggling-or are you struggling-and you want to create an altar for hope and healing? Or do you want to create a new vision for your life?

Altars can be created in five very accessible steps:

1) Locate a place in your home where you would like the altar. Maybe it is in a quiet, reflective space or maybe you want it front in center to be reminded every time you walk by. Clear that space of what is currently on there.
2) Find a cloth, scarf or other fabric you enjoy looking at and lay it on the surface.
3) Layer the surface with your altar items. Put larger items in the back and smaller items in the front. Include anything that is meaningful, positive, uplifting and joyful about the person/situation/or vision on which you plan to focus. Include candles (those LED candles are nice so you don't forget to blow them out) and burn incense/use an essential oil diffuser at the altar.
4) When the altar is created, make it a space where you can reflect on what is there several times a day. If you want, share with friends and family your altar so they can appreciate it and find hope in it, too.
5) Observe what's in your heart and happening in your life…do you feel more uplifted? At peace? Are some things you are hoping for in the future coming true?

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